Wednesday, August 25, 2010

For those a friend,which is not a friend.


Finally i have the courage to say what's in my mind about...

A friend,which is not a friend...

Why i say so?

Here some condition when he/she treat u as a friend...

-Be honest to you,ofcourse secret telling is excluded..But sometime,yes..=)

-Will think about you all the time,not just when he/she needs you.

-enjoy joking and laughing with you,but yes;don't too over with the joke or

may cause someone to be emo..:p,like me.

-Willing to be his/herself when infront of you,unlikely bitch/hypocrite.

-Never look you down but reverse..Willing to help you when you're in trouble..

And so on....

Maybe some of you don't agree with what i've listed..But,nevermind...Time can show


For those which is not a friend..

Try to think,what's your mistake?...Yea,honestly;im not a good friend..But,im trying

to be...I enjoy laughing with my friend..Even i acted stupid and just want my friend

to have some entertainment..That's silly..But i will do it,as it's effective xD..

Alot of people ask me...Why im so emo??...

Answer:Because i facing alot of problems...Which,i've no idea how to solve..

And i rather emo infront of you guys as i can let you guys know my problem

although you cannot help than acting nothing;s happen...Steady..It's quite

a hardtime you know?I try it before,seriously...

Don't know what to say d...I'll stop here..

Ah luii

1 comment:

  1. I do agree with you candidate erm B?
    Being a true friend doesn't mean you need to treat a friend nice all the time.
    I mean as in how you feel...

    Being emo is good sometime,I guess?(cos I'm emo too) haha...

    True friend is a friend who will never ever hide their feelings.Even when you are angry you show it out.Is a way you're expressing yourself and being yourself.
    Is better than those who keep their feelings and in the end of the day,they kinda like want to balas dendam towards you.
    That's like your musuh wei.Not true punya friend.

    That's all I can say.hahaa...berjuang untuk stpm!!!
